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Why Graduates Should Consider a Career in Recruitment

It is the time of year where classes have come to an end, dissertations have been submitted and the count down until the Graduation ceremony has begun. At this time of year, many students find themselves in a place of uncertainty, particularly those students who have not completed a vocational degree. At this time, students are pondering whether to rush straight into a career or enjoy a final summer. I know this firsthand, I finished my course and was waiting to graduate with a BA Hons in History last June. Some of my peers had careers lined up, others rushing into a career they were not passionate about while others were feeling obligated to undertake a Masters just to delay “adulting” and searching for a role.

Not many graduates consider a career in recruitment, I believe this is due to its absence at career fairs and a certain stigma around the role. However, I want to talk about transferable skills which graduates can bring to a career in recruitment and highlight the opportunities which a career in recruitment offers.

Applicable skills for the role:

  • Independent research – Many students are conditioned to believe that the subject area of your degree determines the pathway your career can take. I studied History and was frequently told, “Where will a degree in history get you?” the answer is multiple places. Many degrees, like mine, require a huge degree of sourcing materials and conducting independent research. This skill is extremely applicable to recruitment. To be a successful recruitment consultant you must be able to use all the available job boards and social media outlets to source talented candidates.
  • Time Management – Undertaking a degree requires effective time management, this especially true where assessment methods include coursework, exams, and dissertations. It is key that you attend tutorials whilst scheduling a time for the completion of coursework and dissertations. This skill is highly sought after in recruitment. To be a successful Recruitment Consultant you must schedule your day to allow time for business development and servicing roles.
  • Interaction with people – As a student, you are attending an academic institution where there are students from all walks of life and different countries all over the world. As a student, this enables you to adjust your communication style and method to communicate effectively. This skill is very sought after in recruitment, you can be servicing roles in different sectors and different locales, this requires you to adjust your communication method to suit the candidate.
  • Autonomy – As a student, it is normal to be surrounded by different peers in each subject tutorial and have a timetable which is unique to other peers. As a result, you become accustomed to working autonomously. There is a high degree of autonomy needed to work within recruitment. You are responsible and accountable for managing your own sector desk within a wider team. This gives you the autonomy to canvas your own roles and builds personal relationships with clients.

This time last year, I decided to enjoy my summer and not rush into a career or a Master’s degree which I was not passionate about. For me personally, it was the best decision I ever made. I now have a job within an excellent organisation. I was given extensive training and guidance which as a Graduate really attracted me to Honeycomb as a company. Honeycomb is a company which places strong importance on developing individuals and preparing them for a lifelong career.

I hope this blog has helped Graduates to understand what a role in recruitment entails and open minds to the opportunities recruitment can offer.

I wish all Graduates of 2019 all the best of luck for your Graduation Ceremony whether is in Summer or Winter. Additionally, I look forward to seeing many applications for Recruitment Consultants positions within Honeycomb soon!

If you are seeking additional information on the role of a specialist recruitment consultant, contact Hannah on

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